Chilli Cheese Stuffed Peppers
is a great way of using up leftovers, which is exactly what I did,
taking the rice from Saturday night and mixing it with the vegetables
from last night. This is not really a recipe as such, more of an idea
of something you can do for a filling lunch.
Free on Extra Easy providing you use the cheese as your Healthy Extra
- 1 green pepper
- 1 red pepper
- a couple of handfuls of cooked rice – mine was brown rice
- about the same amount of leftover vegetables – I used sweetcorn, Savoy cabbage and carrots, but most vegetables would work
- a few stems of fresh herbs, finely chopped – I has some sage left
- a small onion to add a bit of a crunchy texture
- tub of Low Low mature cheese with red pepper and chilli
with a salad and potatoes of your choice. I cut up the leftover
jacket wedges from yesterday and fried them at a fairly high heat in
a little Fry Light to crisp them up.